Saturday 11 April 2015

A rainbow of colours

The Brownie Guides absolutely love craft and luckily for them, so does their Leader! We generally make one large project each term, usually for an event or badge, so I am always on the lookout for quality and affordable supplies to use. I generally shop around and buy items on sale, but lately i've been frustrated with kids poster paint i've been buying. Yes, it is wonderful that it's washable, but it is completely hopeless when mixing and creating true, bold colours. I finally decided that buying  some good quality paint was worth the investment. Not only was the poster paint not producing quality products, it was so washed out that I was having to spend weekend repainting craft projects with multiple layers to achieve the desired colour!

Last year, I discovered that there were warm and cool primary colours which turned a lifetime of learning completely upside down. Suddenly it made sense why mixing a red and blue paint didn't always create the desired shade of purple, I wasn't using the correct cool and warm variations!

Wanting to pass on this knowledge to the girls, I purchased them lovely new paint from Clever Patch in warm and cool shades. I purchased only the necessary colours: black, white, cool blue, warm blue, cool red, warm red, cool yellow and warm yellow. With this paint the Brownie Guides can now create an array of lovely new secondary and tertiary colours!

I also made a color chart as a starting point to assist the Brownies with creating colours. The chart displays the colours produced by mixing equal amounts of the primary colours shown. By looking at the chart, the girls can deduce that by adding more lemon yellow and less ultramarine, they will achieve a lighter shade of green. They have used the chart with great success which makes me very happy! They also love the new paint and think it is very fancy and professional. Definitely a worthwhile purchase.

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