Activity: Build a clove hitch ladder
Guiding Fundamental: Outdoors
Activity Challenge Card:
Equipment Provided: Knotting cord, sticks
Further Information Provided:
How the Brownie Guides reacted:
I had chosen activities for the other Patrols which would allow me to spend a lot of time with this Patrol, since I knew they would need some guidance with their knotting. At first I taught the girls the second method of tying a clove hitch as this method can be used in any situation whereas method one can only be used on a open-ended pole or stick.
The Guides had mixed success with this, getting it right about 60% of the time. I could tell they were getting frustrated and so decided to show them method one, which admittedly is the way I was taught to tie a clove hitch. I teach this knot as 'little e's' rather than 'Mickey Mouse ears', as the 'e' method gives more direction in how to make the loop formation correctly. Just "draw" two little e's using the cord, which makes sure that the correct side of the cord appears on top. Then put loop one on top of loop two.
Very quickly the girls success rate jumped up to 100% and they were over the moon. (Insert guilty Leader for not teaching them this method to begin with). The Patrol ended up building a ladder than was 2.5m long with about 30 rungs. A pretty impressive effort. The Patrol Leader tied her knots using method two, and the other Guides using method ones.
Activity: Can you find the alphabet?
Guiding Fundamental: Patrol System
Activity Challenge Card:
How the Brownie Guides reacted:
I was surprised when the girls worked their way through the alphabet sequentially (although that it what the instructions imply) whereas I would have written down the letters A through Z and then filled in the blanks when inspiration hit. Two Patrols have completed this activity and both showed great teamwork, roaming the hall finding answers and discussing possibilities. Afterwards they loved presenting their favourite answers to the unit. Success!
Guiding Fundamental: Patrol System, Promise and Law
Activity Challenge Card:
Equipment Provided: Lots of cash in different denominations, signage, packets of Guide biscuits, paper shopping bag
How the Brownie Guides reacted:
I threw this activity together quickly as this year's batch of Guide biscuits arrived just in time for our meeting. The girls love to sell things but really struggle with looking at the money handed to them by the customer and then giving correct change.
For this activity the girls had fun setting up a little table with their biscuits and displaying posters on the wall. They took turns being the salesperson, in charge of the money and the customers. They really like using real money and practicing their customer service skills. I think that they would have happily played shop all night long!
Guiding Fundamental: Patrol System
Activity Challenge Card:

Equipment Provided: iPad
How the Brownie Guides reacted:
Every Patrol is desperate for their turn at this activity because they just love to be in front of the camera. The girls haven't gone beyond the suggested questions provided but have given some great responses! I think their videos have an equal amount of both interviewing and dancing. It will make for a great end of year movie.
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