Monday 11 May 2015

Super Woman

Last year, I become a little bit lax about putting out the Patrol Activity Tubs and instead had the girls take turns running a game for the first 20 minutes of the meeting. It was a little chaotic, but it also gave each Brownie the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. As an unexpected bonus, it has made things easier this term now that teaching an international game is a requirement of the World Guiding badge we are currently working towards.

The girl's played many games, however, Evolution would probably be voted the Brownie Guides number one game of 2014. It is the loudest, most chaotic experience and when we play the parent helpers just look on in horror, wondering why I am letting things get so out of control. Five to ten minutes later all movement ceases, there is a pause of silence and then a huge cheer, "______ is Super Woman!!" I walk over to congratulate Super Woman then raise my hand for silence and order is resumed. Organised chaos at it's finest.

I discovered the game over a year ago on Gecko the Guide Leader's blog and it was only when I was reading Guidey Laurie's blog last year that I remembered I still hadn't taught the girls to play! It's a fairly quick game and would be good to use as a filler or a way to have a group of new girls mix with everybody. 


The concept is very simple. You want to be the first to reach SUPER WOMAN.

Everybody starts out as an egg. All players walk around mingling. Find a partner and play Scissors, Paper, Rock. Whoever wins moves up a level, whoever loses stays an egg. Find a new player who is the SAME level as you. Egg vs egg, chicken vs chicken etc. Whoever loses goes down a stage (except eggs as it is the lowest), whoever wins moves up.

Egg - hand linked above head in oval shape, say "egg" repeatedly
Chicken - Bend arms and flap as wings
Dinosaur - use arms as giant chomping jaws
Monkey - scratch under armpits
Human - Wave and say 'hello!'
Girl Guide - three fingered salute
Guide Leader - shake finger and say 'Don't do that!'
Super Woman - arms stretched up high in the air

Make sure to visit Gecko the Guide Leader for other great games and resources, as well as the original version of Evolution!


What game do your Guides love to play?


  1. Hi there :)

    LOVE the sound of this dame, but wondering how many girls you played it with? Thinking you need a large group. We have 13 girls and three leaders so could have 16 people playing. What do you think is a minimum? I could always reduce the 'levels' ie remove the dinosaur.

    1. This could work with any number of girls. The more there is of course, it's easier to find someone that is the same 'level' as you. So i'd do minimum 10. So your numbers are perfect! It's great to play at the start of the night as everyone is arriving (once they are familiar with the game of course), as people can join in at any time starting as an egg. It's a game of chance so there are always girls at all levels, moving from egg to super woman. And none gets upset about 'losing' either! Please let me know if you and your girls' have fun playing!!


Thanks for your comment!