Wednesday 29 July 2015

Completing World Guiding trefoil one

I have already discussed the three meetings that we held last term, focusing solely on the World Guiding achieve-a-challenge badge. During these meetings, the Brownie Guides completed six of the eight challenge requirements.

Over the remainder of the term, the final two challenges were completed at a less intense pace. Challenge seven was to learn the World Song. We practiced singing the lyrics each week and then I signed off the challenge as complete at the end of term. One girl even performed the song as a solo!

Challenge eight was to teach a game from another country. A few girl's had already completed this challenge during our first three meetings, but to get everybody else through this challenge 2-3 girls would teach a game at each meeting. This was probably my favourite activity that we did all term. The range of games was astounding and the Brownie's were so proud to be in that leadership role and share their game. They definitely exceeded my expectations!

I wish i'd made note of all the games we played, but here is a list of those that I can recall. I've provided links to the rules where I could find them.

Canada - Dox-en Eye
Sweden - Newspaper challenge
New Zealand - Train
Thailand - Kratai Kha Diew (One Leg Rabbit)
Trinidad - Limbo
Japan - Make others laugh
Mexico - Racing cars
Vietnam - Nhay giay (elastics)

At each meeting we would also refer to or complete further lap book activities. I would randomly quiz the girl's on information they had learned such as the meaning of WAGGGS and giving examples of the Links of Unity. By the end of term, there were a lot of badges to present! But the girl's had all worked really hard so they deserved them. Maybe next year we can look at completing the second trefoil for this badge...

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