Sunday 19 April 2020

Online games

Even though we're on school holidays at the moment, the Brownies decided to continue with our meetings. I decided to keep things simple and hold a games night.

We started by playing bingo. Everybody drew a 5x5 grid on a piece of paper and then filled them with random numbers from 1-100. I pulled up a random number generator to chose our numbers, which I screen-shared with everyone. We played for one row and then a full board. It took forever to finish and I would definitely do it differently next time! (Luckily the girls still enjoyed the activity! I was ready to it finish it before we had even reached a bingo).

Things I would do differently next time:

  • Not use a random number generator! It was fine at first, but then repeated numbers so many times it become really difficult to move on.
  • Next time use an online bingo caller such as this one: 
  • I kept track of numbers as they came up, but next time I'd start with a list of all the numbers and cross them off as I went.

Some of the hand-drawn bingo boards:


Next up, we played Would You Rather? I asked the group random questions that I had found online, and they would raise their hand if they wanted to share their answer. They also had to share why they would choose one option over the other. It was a fun activity and it was a great hearing their responses.

The questions we used are below.

Would you rather:
  • fly or be invisible?
  • be a famous singer or a famous actor?
  • be a fish or a bird?
  • swim in a pool or jelly or a pool of custard?
  • have a pet dinosaur or a pet robot?
  • be a pilot or a pirate?
  • read books or write stories?
  • go to the moon or go to Disneyland?
  • never shower again or never cut your nails again?

Our final activity was Pictionary. We used the whiteboard feature in Zoom, and the girls took turns to draw pictures with everyone else guessing. The only clue given was the topic. Our topics were: food, animals and movies.

Can you guess what these pictures are? 
A hamburger and a peacock!

A few regrets with my bingo choices, but other than than another fun-filled meeting! 

Edited to add:
What are the chances?! I was just reading about a virtual sleepover on The Guiding Life and they also played Pictionary and Bingo! This bingo caller is much more fun than the google number generator I used!

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